
Equine osteopathy at a glance


All cells, tissues and organs are connected enabling the body to effectively function as a whole unit. A restriction in a given joint and the musculoskeletal system will inevitably affect all the organs, tissues and cells that are directly connected, and vice versa. Compromised organs may manifest as several different symptoms such as:

  • constipation or diarrhea
  • excessive gas
  • recurrent colics
  • opportunistic infections
  • excessive salivation
  • lack of concentration
  • Irritability

All of which will affect the musculoskeletal system via direct mechanical connections and neurological pathways. In order to completely resolve health issues and their symptoms the biomechanical root cause must be diagnosed and treated appropriately. The information regarding causality (what is an effect and what is the cause?) is expressed in the neurological system. The information regarding any problems anywhere in the body must be relayed to the brain via neurological pathways. biaxin.Equine osteopaths make use these communication pathways to assess what is being communicated to the brain. A pertinent analogy is the listen in on a community’s (body) phone line (neurology) to find out who (cause) is spreading the rumour (symptoms).

Once the cause is appropriately treated instant results are expected as the body resolves compensations such as tight muscles and restricted joints and long term benefits tend to be noticed gradually as the body regains its balance and begins to function optimally.

About CLEMENT RHEIN BSc. (Hons) Osteopathy, PGCertEd

Causality: treat the cause, not the symptoms

Clement Rhein is an experienced equine osteopath particularly focused on causality treatments, meaning that the biomechanical cause of symptoms must be diagnosed in order to administer a specific treatment for maximal improvements and optimal health. For example, If a horse tends to be stiffer on a given rein when being ridden, this shows that its body is not mechanically balanced and probably compensating for a problem. Treating this horses’s tight muscles and joints will only help temporarily, for as long as the causative problem remains, the horse’s body will forever have the need to compensate is some way. Compensations shown as a stiffer rein are a mere effect of a deeper causal problem.  Clement’s cause based approach aims to directly treat causal problem, which in turn allows compensations to release and symptoms may resolve.

A wealth of experience

Clement has a wealth of experience in equine osteopathic health care working in the competition field with horse racing , dressage and jumping since 2010 across the UK, France and Cyprus. Clement is now based in Pembrokeshire and travels across the UK providing equine osteopathic treatments to horses of all disciplines and levels.

Pioneering the way

Having worked with pioneers in the equine field from across Europe, Clement has a cutting edge expertise with equine osteopathic care and understanding: Developing effective equine osteopathic techniques with UK colleagues; applying pioneering research from Germany and Belgium regarding the diagnosis of cause and effect in equine subjects; integrating equine behavioural tried and tested methods from America, France and the UK.

Effective and efficient

Clement is a result orientated person focused on efficiency and effectiveness. Initial instant results from his treatments are usually expected together with further improvements as the horse’s body integrates the treatment over the following days and weeks. With a cause based approach, weekly follow up treatments focused on maintenance are not needed, as the horse regains its balance and resiliency the positive changes are long lasting.

A natural teacher

Equine osteopathy, osteopath Pembrokeshire, UKClement is a natural teacher able to relay complicated subjects into comprehensive terms and holds a Master’s level Post-Graduate Certificate of Education in Higher Education. He has been part of the teaching team at the European School of Osteopathy since 2014 and has ran postgraduate veterinary osteopathy courses since 2012. He is commonly called in as a guest speaker to share is expertise and understanding of equine holistic and causal health care, which he happily volunteers his time for.

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The practice operates on a zone basis and therefore there is NO CALL OUT FEE for your appointment on the day Clement is visiting your area. By grouping appointments together we can work more efficiently and pass the savings on to you!


$360 per horse (inc. travel)


Free assessments available when onsite.